
2697 5391
2692 4955

84th Kowloon Group

The Venture Scouts Group was established in 1994 to fulfill carers’ motivation to cultivate their family members with intellectual disability. The group advocate and provide equal participation opportunities in the community for persons with special needs who were aged 16-21. Scouts Section was developed in 2000 for aged 11-15 members. In 2012, adult members aged above 21 can also join the Rover Scouts Section in order to continually participant in the Scout Movement.

Photos of 84th Kowloon Group

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Scouts Section

Venture Scouts Section

Rover Scouts Section

Details of Scout Meeting of 84th Kowloon Group

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Scout Sections
Intellectual disability persons aged 11-15
Time: 2:30-4:30pm (Every Saturday)
Venue: G/F, Wai Tung House,
Tung Tau Estate, Kowloon

Venture Scouts Sections
Intellectual disability persons aged 16-21
Time: 2:30-4:30pm (Every Sunday)
Venue: G/F, Wai Tung House,
Tung Tau Estate, Kowloon

Rover Scouts Sections
Target: Intellectual disability persons aged 22-26
Time: 2-4pm on Sunday (Semiweekly)
Venue: G/F, Wai Tung House,
Tung Tau Estate, Kowloon

If you are interested in joining the Scout Group, please contact 2718 7778 for enquiries.