Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Services
The Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Services has been organized into two service units: Tiptop Training Centre (TT) and the Employment Service Centre (ESC). Services subsidized by the Social Welfare Department encompass programs such as the “Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Services Centre (IVRSC),” “Work Extension Programme (WEP),” Supported Employment Training for Persons with Disabilities (SET)” Furthermore, we have established a social enterprise named “Down’s Kwan Ngai Service Team (KN)” and the “Down Syndrome Employment Support Scheme (DSESS).” Through these two initiatives, we offer a comprehensive support service aimed at enhancing service users’ working abilities. This includes general work skills training, work attitude training, internships, and supported employment services.
Moreover, we also extend support to employers. Our employment philosophy is that by observing three key areas: Tools, Process, and Environment, employers can gain insights into enabling individuals with disabilities to work effectively in society. Adopting two crucial attitudes towards people with disabilities: Positive Thinking and a Strengths-Based Approach, can assist private companies in cultivating a conducive culture for hiring individuals with disabilities.
Our ultimate goal is to fulfill the employment needs of our service users and prepare them for potential future opportunities in the open job market, ultimately contributing to the development of a socially inclusive society.