
Autism is a developmental disability that becomes apparent during childhood. It affects information processing in the brain by altering how nerve cells and their synapses connect and organize. Autistic individuals have difficulty with social communication and interaction, and about 70% of people with autism are classified as mentally retarded.

· Social development defects

Individuals with autism do not pay much attention to the people around them, have low sensitivity to other people’s feelings and emotional reactions, and rarely make direct eye contact. Since most of them do not know how to interact with others, they rarely establish peer relationships or participate in group activities except with their closest friends and family. Putting them in an appropriate environment can help them to improve their social and group interaction skills, and encourage them to make contact with other people.

· Social communication and imagination defects

Most people with autism experience significant delays in their language development. They often lack the intuition about others that many people take for granted and use language in an unusual way, such as by imitating others. With speech training, some individuals are able to use simple language or communicate with gestures. However, their lack of communication initiative, facial expression and detachment also affect their ability to communicate with others. In addition, many autistic individuals have below average imagination and abstract thinking skills, so imaginary play activities can be difficult. By engaging them in one-on-one teaching and small group activities, they can develop basic communication and gaming skills gradually, step by step.

· Limited activities and interests

Many individuals with autism have a limited range of activities and interests. They are interested in certain things and form strong attachments to them. In addition, they are very selective and have strong toy preferences. Narrow interests and inflexible behavioural patterns make it difficult for them to adapt to new things or sudden changes. A regular learning pattern can only be developed by making good use of their habitual behavioral patterns, and it is important to design a suitable learning environment and process to meet their specific needs.

· Abnormal behaviour and emotional expression

Some autistic individuals frequently engage in unusual self-stimulatory behaviours, such as turning the body around and around, shaking the head or body, clapping, and repeating the same sounds over and over, etc. Such actions need to be put under control so as not to impede their daily learning and contact with other people. On an emotional level, they may suddenly laugh or cry for no apparent reason. They may overreact to little things or noises, and appear totally indifferent to others.

The majority of autistic people sense and receive information in a normal fashion but have difficulties when analyzing and processing information (such as identifying, classifying, understanding, etc.). This can lead to difficulties, and together with their lack of language ability, learning problems result. They often have difficulty concentrating and can lack the ability to focus and become easily distracted. Therefore, one can use their favorite things to gain their attention or as incentives to encourage them to follow instructions. In addition, they often do not know how to work around or apply their knowledge from one situation to another.

Healthy Attitude

  • Treat them as equals, as one of us
  • Treat them with concern and always be willing to help
  • Help them become a part of society
  • Help them overcome their deficiencies
  • Encourage them to develop a normal social life
  • Do not place overly strong demands on them or provide them with excessive care, which may lead to frustration or dependence
  • Be patient and listen to them
  • Recognize their contribution to society
