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The “Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Subsidy – Online Sharing – Down Family Support Service”, donated by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, is now organising the “WhatsApp Sticker Design Competition” to encourage people with Down syndrome to show their creativity and artistic talents, enhance public awareness and acceptance of people with Down syndrome, and spread the message of love and companionship, respect and tolerance for each other, and build a diverse and harmonious society.

Contest Details:

Design Theme: Design a theme of care and empathy to express love for family, friends or community.

Participants: People with Down syndrome

Requirements and form of work:

• The work must conform to the theme
• Drawings and colours must be drawn
• In addition to the graphics, simple Chinese or English words of encouragement can also be added
•Each participant is limited to one entry

Judging criteria: Theme-appropriate: 40%; Degree of creativity: 30%: Overall design: 30%

Jury :
Ms. Tang Aijia is the President of the Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association
Mr. Liu Chi Hung, Director of Operations and Creative Operations, Art Playground Academy of Arts

Entry and Submission:
Together with the completed entry form, the entries should be sent in person or by post to the following four service centres of the Association:
– Pak Puley Parent Resource Centre (Address: G/F, Chun Tung Building, Tung Tau Estate, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon)
– Jockey Club Tong Ka Hin (Address: Rooftop, Estate Hung Hing House, Chai Wan, Hong Kong (2) Estate)
– Chew Yip Centre (Address: Room 123-138, B, Wing Shui House, Lek Yuen Village, Shatin, New Territories)
– Employment Assistance Centre (Address: 1-3A, Wing Hing House, Fook Lai Village, Tsuen Wan, New Territories)

As of February 27, 2022 Beijing time

Results Announcement:
The winners will be announced on the HKECIA website and via the Whatsapp phone in March 2022 and will be notified separately

Enquiry: 2718 7776 (Mr. Hou Zhonglian)

「I Hug . I Love Companion" WhatsApp Sticker Design Contest winners announced

“I Hug ‧ I Love” WhatsApp Sticker Design Contest with the theme of “Care” and “Walking” to express their love for family, friends or community! A total of 41 works were received, each presenting different ideas and creativity. After judging by the two judges, the winners of the Champion, Runner-up, Quarter and Merit Awards are as follows:

Winner: Wai En Ball
Runner-up: Li Xulin
Double runner-up: You Yongshun, Zhao Minquan
Merit Award: Yang Baoling, Wang Seed, Mak Wing-zhen, Ho Yingheng

Congratulations to the above winners and thank you for participating!

“I Hug ‧ I Love Love Together” WhatsApp Sticker Design Contest, 8 winning entries have been created into beautiful WhatsApp stickers for everyone to download.

Remember to share with your loved ones family and friends, affirm the creativity and artistic talent of people with Down syndrome, and also jointly promote the message of love and companionship, everyone respects and tolerates each other, and builds a diverse and harmonious society together!