My world with you become beautiful and warm

My world with you become beautiful and warm

Plenty of prenatal check up have been done during pregnancy, however, Pak Hei was suspected that he has Down Syndrome at around 6 months old. With precise examination, he was finally diagnosed not long after his 1 year old birthday.

It was a very hard time to me when I first knew it. By that time, I have never meet anyone with Down Syndrome and have no knowledge on it at all. I was terrified and believed my life is over. During the first two months, I could not stop myself from crying every night. Although I was very upset but understand that it is necessary to search for suitable services and trainings for him as soon as possible. With the full support of my husband, it is graceful that we first reached some passionate and heart warmed social workers from the Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association. They promptly provide us very useful information on what to be done. On the other hand I have joined some overseas online parent support group to collect further information. We then surprisingly realized that kids with Down Syndrome are in fact full of love and capable on much more than expected. I started to actively bring Pak Hei to various therapy classes, arrange school and also work hard on home training.

By experienced a lot in life with Pak Hei, we feel that he is definitely an angel to our family. God has arranged the best gift to us. Kids with Down Syndrome are so in love with people around them. Their pure love is so simple and direct that is hardly compare to other kind. Although their learning pace is a bit behind, but they catch up well with suitable trainings. While playing games and interacting with Pak Hei in daily living, we are always surprised by his intelligence and totally melted by his pure love.

I have never imagined Pak Hei can bring our family so much joy and love. He also leads us to meet lots of kind and thoughtful social workers, therapists as well as very spiritual families who are all our angels in life. Even strangers on the street were always melted by his smile.

Down Syndrome is not scary. This little extra chromosome makes them so lovable. Indeed, we need more of this pure love in the world. Around the world, there are many and more people with Down Syndrome are being recognized. They have completed bachelor degree and won various kind of competitions. Many of them can live independently, work and even get married. They can fully enjoy their living and have a fruitful life like many others. Now, to me, “Pak Hei” is just my son, my very lovable son. Kids with Down Syndrome are just “kid” with full of pure love. I truly want him to be my son if I have a chance to choose again. With him, I found another kind of love and beauty in the world which I can hardly see it without him. He greatly enriched our souls and bring our family closer together. We hope to try our best to let the society to understand the beautiful side and potential of people with Down Syndrome. Their talent is never limited.

I would like to take this chance to thank everyone who have helped me and Pak Hei in this special journey, especially to the social workers and therapists from Down Syndrome Association. You are all great and heart warmed!